2015. Rising forth from the primordial sonic stew of intensive collaboration, industrial supergroup PRIMITIVE RACE stands ready to take its place as the pure evolution of Industrial Music - past, present and future...
2017. Primitive Race began as an industrial collective with rotating members. With the sophomore album 'Soul Pretender' the project takes a compelling new alternative rock direction. Founder Chris Kniker opts for a ..
2016. 'a journey through the british heavy psych and hard rock underground scene 1968-72' - presented as a triple-lp set, what we have here is one of the most comprehensive and wide-ranging anthologies ye..
2008. 'If The White Stripes and Southern Culture on the Skids mated, had fraternal twins and raised them to rock out with ukulele accompaniment, we would have Asheville, NC's Mad Tea Party. The newly-minted duo's ne..
2020. A savage slice of primitive Bo Diddleyfied '60s punk by Marc Jonson's teenage garage band The Gay Intruders, recorded in 1966 and recently rescued from the original tapes. On the flip we hear 'It's Not Today',..