2017. In the late summer of 1967, two eminent Kentucky residents met for the first time. Thomas Merton (1915-1968), a Trappist monk and author, traveled around the world to settle in the Abby of Gethsemani. John Jac..
2013. What kind of musical chaos ensues when the rock n' roll torch of the 20th century is handed down to a new generation raised on such 1980s cultural staples as Nintendo, Back to the Future, and Tron? The answer..
2000. Mary Gauthier's third album 'Filth & Fire' appeared on many of the top CD of the Year lists throughout the country, with Jon Pareles in The New York Times ranking the album as the #1 Independent Album of the Y..
2017. Mary Gauthier's third album 'Filth & Fire' appeared on many of the top CD of the Year lists throughout the country, with Jon Pareles in The New York Times ranking the album as the #1 Independent Album of the Y..
1993. Mercy Now Biography 'I know in my heart that I should be dead. Most of my friends are dead. The way I lived, I had no respect at all for my own life. So I'm living on borrowed time -- and there's liberation i..
2012. La fura dels baus “metamorfosis” / “boris godunov” original music by josep sanou the shared spectacle from day one, la fura dels baus has been, and remains, a project of global creation. &nb..