2014. Memória De Peixe literally translates to "fish memory", the perfect name to sum a project based on creating songs with 8 second guitar loops and a drum kit. The sole guitar works rather as a e..
2017. Take a journey through a magical landscape created by Brazil's very own Peixe Cobra. Beautiful melodies and a gentle pulse propel your mind through a delicate cosmos. Colors blind you as you float through mell..
2017. Cacique'97 are back with a new album! "We Used To Be Africans" is the debut single that gives its name to the album; the second album of Cacique 97 claims the afrobeat as his intervention vehicle. We used to b..
1972. Figueira, Marco Blue Toucan Brazilliance Latin Performance: 4 Sound: 4 O's Notes: Marco sings, plays guitar, produces and wrote most of the popular Brazilian music on this CD. He caught our attention ..
2016. - muga,amelia - vai-te cuca,roda do cavaco - o encanto do peixe boi,chantre,teofilo - flor na paul,muga,amelia - chamarrita do pico,ferreira,magna - a la villa voy,roda do cavaco - eu tambem,chantre..