2015. "The moral of this work is: the past punishment is the inevitable blindness of the present. Death camps were established through the process of dehumanized engineering, to destroy the will of the individu..
2010. New band incl. Dean ferita(dead weather),troy van leeuwen, joey castillo & michael shuman(all queens of the stone age), brendan benson(raconteurs), michael horrigan(afghan whigs). &n..
2023. Agusa's music effortlessly foliates from majestic beauty to violent outbursts and everything in between. It blends tripped-out psychedelic and progressive rock structures to instill visions of nature, the cosm..
2023. Agusa's music effortlessly foliates from majestic beauty to violent outbursts and everything in between. It blends tripped-out psychedelic and progressive rock structures to instill visions of nature, the cosm..