2018. Hudobník Tamás Kátai, vedúci projektu Thy Catafalque, vydáva nový album Geometria a to pomerne krátko po predošlej štúdiovke Meta. Jeho mnohovrstevnaté nápady však musia ísť vonku podobne, ako skladba Sárembe..
2020. 'Testamentum' is the 2020 conceptual farewell album by the legendary band from Hungary, which has been active since the early '60s in genres s.a. beat, psych and progressive heavy rock. Omega's (ex-)members La..
2022. 'Testamentum' is the 2020 conceptual farewell album by the legendary band from Hungary, which has been active since the early '60s in genres s.a. beat, psych and progressive heavy rock. Omega's (ex-)members..
2022. 'Testamentum' is the 2020 conceptual farewell album by the legendary band from Hungary, which has been active since the early '60s in genres s.a. beat, psych and progressive heavy rock. Omega's (ex-)members..