2016. „Kärgeras – Return From Oblivion“ je desáté řadové album v diskografii ROOT. Lyricky se jedná o konceptuální album navazující na příběh započatý v roce 1996 na nahrávce s lapidárním „Kärgeras“; příběh o hrdém..
2012. - Nihilist,I Hate,The Sharing of Thoughts With the Dead,Temple of Rancid Filth,Vermithrax,Vile Pleasures of Transfiguration,Raping Ground,When the Demons Come,Manhead,Forced Osculum Infame,1 Hell Noise
2016. - moment of fright,moment of hope,life of demons,up to the down,the book of death,the key to the empty room,osculum infame,do you think is it the end?,black iris,new empire
2017. Classic Dutch death/thrash album finally re-issued! - CD 1 (and LP),Malleus Maleficarum,Malleus Maleficarum/,Antropomorphia,Parricide,Subordinate To The,Domination,Extreme Unction,Commandments,Chemo Therapy,B..
2017. Classic Dutch death/thrash album finally re-issued! - CD 1 (and LP),Malleus Maleficarum,Malleus Maleficarum/,Antropomorphia,Parricide,Subordinate To The,Domination,Extreme Unction,Commandments,Chemo Therapy,B..