2019. In 1999 OOMPH! finally arrived on Germany`s biggest stages and claimed the throne. "Plastik" brought the band many new fans and mainstream media coverage upon its release. A mature and varied album ..
1989. 23 let vystupují němečtí Oomph! ve stejné sestavě! Za tu dobu mají na svém kontě deset studiových alb a v květnu k nim přibyde jedenácté s názvem „Des Wahnsinns fette Beute“. I na něm najdou fanoušci kolekci p..
2006. - Land in Sicht,Dreh dich nicht um,Mein Schatz,Eine Frau spricht im Schlaf,Du willst es doch auch,Die Schlinge,Träumst du,Das letzte Streichholz,Gott ist ein Popstar,Tanz in den Tod,Ich will deine Seele,Zuvie..
2009. - Bis zum Schluss, Auf Kurs , Revolution, Lass mich raus , Die Leiter, Sandmann , Wer schön sein will muss leiden , 6 Fuß tiefer, Labyrinth, Beim ersten mal tut' s mir immer weh, In deinen Hüften,..
2023. Legendárny Neue Deutsche Härte priekopník OOMPH! sú späť so 14. štúdiovým albumom Richter und Henker! Nový album by mal vyjsť 8. septembra 2023 a op&a..
2019. 1998 saw the release of the "Unrein" album from Oomph! The band moved away from the then raging trends and served up compact bangers and epic melodies. THis reissue includes two bonus tracks : "..
2019. 1998 saw the release of the "Unrein" album from Oomph! The band moved away from the then raging trends and served up compact bangers and epic melodies. THis reissue includes two bonus tracks : "..
2019. In 1999 OOMPH! finally arrived on Germany`s biggest stages and claimed the throne. "Plastik" brought the band many new fans and mainstream media coverage upon its release. A mature and varied album ..
2019. In the summer of 2001 OOMPH! unleashed their seventh album "Ego". which managed to reach the German album charts. The whole album stands out as a prime example for the perfect balance between killer ..
2019. In the summer of 2001 OOMPH! unleashed their seventh album "Ego". which managed to reach the German album charts. The whole album stands out as a prime example for the perfect balance between killer ..
2015. - dein retter,alles aus liebe,jetzt oder nie,als wrs das letzte mal,mary bell,jede reise hat ein ende,unter diesem mond,all deine wunden,fleisch und fell,tick tack,nicht von dieser welt,spieler,zie..
2017. The third full-length by IDES OF GEMINI. The band has built a formidable and enigmatic reputation with a sound that elegantly salutes the greats of the post-punk and proto-goth eras, while simultaneously harne..
2017. The third full-length by IDES OF GEMINI. The band has built a formidable and enigmatic reputation with a sound that elegantly salutes the greats of the post-punk and proto-goth eras, while simultaneously ha..
1973. Kompilační DVD klipů a koncertním záznamů novovlných, neoromantických a synthypopových, převážně německých, kapel a interpretů současnosti. DVD určené milovníkům a poslucháčům hudebního směru, jemuž jednoznačn..
1974. - oomph! - beim ersten mal tut's immer weh, lacrimas profundere - a pearl, haggard - la terra santa, poisonblack - bear the cross, megaherz feat. Zahn kirsten - fauler zauber, ed of green..
2010. Kelly Carmichael of Internal Void guests on `Eternally There`. I first heard of this Harrisonburg, VA outfit with their Sunlight Shines EP, a three-song collection of some of the finest Pentagram by way of Haw..
1990. - sugar pie desanto - git back (jasman),leonard, charles - funky driver on a funky bus pt. ,holmes, marvin - find yourself pt. 1 (kimberly),onyx - break it loose (nia),tracy, j..
1982. A-life divided vznikli v roce 2003 a na malém labelu vydali dvě desky. Hráli na turné s oomph! (no. 1 v hitparádách v té době) v roce 2006 a s eisbrecher v roce 2007. &nbs..
2014. Saturn's debut album 'Ascending' contains the sound of the past, present and future colliding in a shower of riffs, melodies and otherworldly magic. Drawn from a steady diet of Sabbath, UFO, Budgie, Deep Pu..
2016. KMFDM was the pioneer of the "Crossover" between Techno and Heavy metal and created a unique sound in the Industrial Rock music. They were of big influance for bands such as Oomph! and Rammstein. 'Ro..
2017. The Len Price 3 is an English band that delivers instantly memorable tunes with a vintage pop feel. 'Kentish Longtails' is an album full of timeless melodic gems with plenty of punk and garage rock oomph, and ..
2017. The Len Price 3 is an English band that delivers instantly memorable tunes with a vintage pop feel. 'Kentish Longtails' is an album full of timeless melodic gems with plenty of punk and garage rock oomph, a..
2016. KMFDM was the pioneer of the "Crossover" between Techno and Heavy metal and created a unique sound in the Industrial Rock music. They were of big influance for bands such as Oomph! and Rammstein. 'Ro..
2016. KMFDM was the pioneer of the "Crossover" between Techno and Heavy metal and created a unique sound in the Industrial Rock music. They were of big influance for bands such as Oomph! and Rammstein. 'Ro..
2016. KMFDM was the pioneer of the "Crossover" between Techno and Heavy metal and created a unique sound in the Industrial Rock music. They were of big influance for bands such as Oomph! and Rammstein. 'Ro..
2019. Comprising 12 monstrous heavy metal anthems that bulge with irresistible melodic hooks, bursts of thrilling savagery and moments of spine-tingling dynamic drama, 'Berserker' is the result of the huge surge of ..
2014. Saturn's debut album 'Ascending' contains the sound of the past, present and future colliding in a shower of riffs, melodies and otherworldly magic. Drawn from a steady diet of Sabbath, UFO, Budgie, Deep Purpl..
2019. Comprising 12 monstrous heavy metal anthems that bulge with irresistible melodic hooks, bursts of thrilling savagery and moments of spine-tingling dynamic drama, 'Berserker' is the result of the huge surge of ..