2014. Fargo is a fantastic dark comedy-crime drama television series created and written by Noah Hawley and inspired by Joel & Ethan Coen's feature of the same title from 1996. Both Coen brothers serve as execut..
2019. California's favourite punk rock scamps jump across the pond for some British hijinks on this reissue of their 2009 compilation! Included are BBC live recordings as well as a special cover of They Might Be ..
2019. California's favourite punk rock scamps jump across the pond for some British hijinks on this reissue of their 2009 compilation! Included are BBC live recordings as well as a special cover of They Might Be Gia..
2020. Vo filme Rodinka Úžasných 2 sa zdá, že hlavnou superhrdinkou bude Helen. Ako príťažlivejšia polovička z najslávnejšej superdvojice sa stáva tvárou..
2021. Hutch je nikdo. Jako přehlížený a podceňovaný otec a manžel žije jednotvárným životem a nikdy nevíří vody. Když ale jeho dcera při loupeži přijde o svůj milovan..