2010. Ještě před stoletím si byli vědci jisti, že věci, kterými dnes člověk běžně disponuje, jako třeba laser, televize či atomová bomba, jsou fyzikálně neuskutečnitelné. Kaku ve své knize zkoumá, nakolik už věda po..
1985. Autor ve své knize do značné míry navazuje na svůj starší titul Fyzika nemožného. V ní zkoumal, kam ještě fyzikální výzkum a jeho aplikace ještě mohou dospět, než narazí na hranice lidských možností či na pří..
1986. n the beginning there was nothing... And then there was light! The Dawn Of Time. Fifteen billion years later George Bellas presents to you an epic collection of instrumental songs inspired by the universe, how..
1989. n the beginning there was nothing... And then there was light! The Dawn Of Time. Fifteen billion years later George Bellas presents to you an epic collection of instrumental songs inspired by the universe, how..
1987. n the beginning there was nothing... And then there was light! The Dawn Of Time. Fifteen billion years later George Bellas presents to you an epic collection of instrumental songs inspired by the universe, how..
1988. n the beginning there was nothing... And then there was light! The Dawn Of Time. Fifteen billion years later George Bellas presents to you an epic collection of instrumental songs inspired by the universe, how..
1988. n the beginning there was nothing... And then there was light! The Dawn Of Time. Fifteen billion years later George Bellas presents to you an epic collection of instrumental songs inspired by the universe, how..
1987. n the beginning there was nothing... And then there was light! The Dawn Of Time. Fifteen billion years later George Bellas presents to you an epic collection of instrumental songs inspired by the universe, how..
1986. n the beginning there was nothing... And then there was light! The Dawn Of Time. Fifteen billion years later George Bellas presents to you an epic collection of instrumental songs inspired by the universe, how..
1984. n the beginning there was nothing... And then there was light! The Dawn Of Time. Fifteen billion years later George Bellas presents to you an epic collection of instrumental songs inspired by the universe, how..