2019. 'music from the nurse with wound list, volume 1 (france)' - on double-lp comes the first volume in a series decicated to the list of psychedelic, progressive, free jazz and experimental records from..
2022. Before Mahjun (of which Souffle Continu reissued, in 2016, the two albums released on Saravah), there was... Maajun. Five musicians (Jean-Pierre Arnoux, Cyril and Jean-Louis Lefebvre, Alain Roux and Roger Sc..
2022. Before Mahjun (of which Souffle Continu reissued, in 2016, the two albums released on Saravah), there was... Maajun. Five musicians (Jean-Pierre Arnoux, Cyril and Jean-Louis Lefebvre, Alain Roux and Roger Sc..