2011. - we are all one,back in dubai,mama,tribute to bob marley,eunff is enuff,swiss lady,unkula hu,my indian lady,conmen wicked men,viva italia,rwanda,kazi ni kazi,walanga pera,say no,shine on
2008. Sestava nejslavnějších songů nejen z doby meziválečného velkého rozmachu trampského hnutí vychází z populární supraphonské edice Potlachů. Ta přinesla mnoho desítek již nesmrtelných písniček v podání interpret..
2007. Quick facts: * 7 piece montreal underground trip hop cinematic jazz vibe * produced by kevin komoda (rational youth, brave new waves) full facts: originally conceived as the jazzman's ..
2016. - not such a bad boy,21-20,wot do you want?,a loser,stills,i wanna be with you,but you don't care,inside you,computer games,graffiti crimes,camera kazi
2019. Based in Toronto, Rosina Kazi and Nicholas Murray together are LAL. Drawing on the transcendent and transgressive roots of house music, the duo uses each successive album as a chance to explore further and ..
2022. Based in Toronto, Rosina Kazi and Nicholas Murray together are LAL. Drawing on the transcendent and transgressive roots of house music, the duo uses each successive album as a chance to explore further and fur..