2010. - success,memory serves,summer well,lights,barricade,always malaise (the man i am),safe without,try it on,all of the ways,the undoing
2007. - All Fired Up,Pace Is The Trick,Mannoth,The Heinrich Maneuver,The Scale,No I In Threesome,Pioneer To The Falls,Rest My Chemistry,Who Do You Think,Wrecking Ball,The Lighthouse
2010. Interpol je americká, v současnosti tříčlenná skupina, která se stala jedním z hlavních představitelů post-punkového revivalu na počátku 21.století. Svou tepavou basovou linkou a sekanými rytmizovanými kytaram..
2014. - All the Rage Back Home,My Desire,Anywhere,Same Town, New Story,My Blue Supreme,Everything is Wrong,Breaker 1,Ancient Ways,Tidal Wave,Twice as Hard
2022. Recorded in living rooms, bed rooms and storage rooms, '1080' is the debut-album by an indie band from The south of the Netherlands. Influences include Radiohead, The Cure, Interpol and The Pixies.
2022. Stockholm based A Projection started in 2013 as a post punk band, with main influences from groups like The Cure, Joy Division, New Order, Sisters of Mercy, Interpol, Editors, Kraftwerk, Depeche Mode, D.A.F. ..
2022. Chameleons has long been cited as a hugely influential act, having inspired the likes of Moby, The Verve, The Flaming Lips, Interpol, The Killers, Editors and Oasis. 'Edge Sessions (Live From The Edge)' is a c..
2023. Stockholm based A Projection started in 2013 as a post punk band, with main influences from groups like The Cure, Joy Division, New Order, Sisters of Mercy, Interpol, Editors, Kraftwerk, Depeche Mode, D.A.F. ..
1992. - bonynge, richard - giselle,introduction (erster akt),les vendageurs (erster akt),entree de loys (erster akt),entree de giselle (erster akt),retour de la vendange et valse (erster akt),la chasse (e..
2023. Over nine tracks, German indie band Havemeyer weaves together orchestral walls of guitar sound and big pop moments. Influences include The Smiths, Interpol and Sonic Youth.
2023. Over nine tracks, German indie band Havemeyer weaves together orchestral walls of guitar sound and big pop moments. Influences include The Smiths, Interpol and Sonic Youth.
2023. Eric Emm and Jesse Cohen of Tanlines are indie-rockers, happy middle-aged fathers, figuring out their place in a chaotic culture and industry that can no longer command their full attention. 'The Big Mess' cam..
2023. Eric Emm and Jesse Cohen of Tanlines are indie-rockers, happy middle-aged fathers, figuring out their place in a chaotic culture and industry that can no longer command their full attention. 'The Big Mess' cam..
2022. Recorded in living rooms, bed rooms and storage rooms, '1080' is the debut-album by an indie band from The south of the Netherlands. Influences include Radiohead, The Cure, Interpol and The Pixies.
2023. Eric Emm and Jesse Cohen of Tanlines are indie-rockers, happy middle-aged fathers, figuring out their place in a chaotic culture and industry that can no longer command their full attention. 'The Big Mess' cam..
2016. Album Script of the Bridge uzrel svetlo sveta v roku 1983 a je dodnes považovaný za jeden z míľnikov vo svojom žánri. Svojím zvukom výrazne ovplyvnil aj dnešné kapely ako Interpol či Editors. - THURSDAY'S CHI..
1993. Hodně novinářů tvrdí, že se roku 2008 objevila na scéně výjimečně výrazná kapela, která je podobná několika jiným, kultovním partám – Joy Division, Echo and the Bunnymen, Duran Duran a Ultravox. Je to londýnsk..
2013. Includes the following albums: ronnie scott and tony crombie at the royal featival hall, annie ross with tony crombie, tony crombe and his orchestra, man from interpol, sweet wide and blue , drum dr..
2007. Anglická indie-rocková parta Editors stvrzuje druhým albem fenomenální úspěch předešlého The Back Room. Jejich zvuk je srovnáván s Interpol, Joy Division, Echo and the Bunnymen, Franz Ferdinand nebo Kitchens o..
2007. Debutové album španělské indie rockové kapely...v Čechách známé ze spol. koncertů s The Prostitutes. Po nasátí britského post punkového zvuku 80.let, přišli CatPeople s moderní, jemně naladěnou, melancholicko..
2008. Danna grew up in the infamous seaside town of Frankston, surrounded by a large musical family. Of the six Simmo’s, only his little sister is yet to form a band (although it must be noted that she dabbled with ..