2007. 24. 11. 2006 uplynulo 5 rokov, čo medzi nami nie je speváčka melanie thornton. Tento deň si pripomínam pamiatku speváčky, ktorej spevácky talent vyhasol pri leteckom..
2009. A member of the Country Music Hall Of Fame There are numerous super-session musicians in Nashville, but very few with the longevity of Charlie McCoy. In addition to being a fixture in Nashville studios for ..
2007. Repressed! probably every cack-handed learner guitarist has at least had a go at the legendary 'mickey baker's complete course in jazz guitar'. . . And anyone who do..
2009. Deep Purple - an English rock band formed in Hertford, Hertfordshire in 1968. Along with Led Zeppelin and Black Sabbath, they are considered to be among the pioneers of heavy metal and modern hard rock. The ba..