2014. A collection of 26 classic mid-to-late '60s soul tracks, including several R&B hits and a few which made the Pop Hot 100 too. Most were released in the UK, by groovy little labels such as Action, Spark, So..
2018. Kapela Nvmeri vydala druhý album "I Don't Think So". Znejú akoby sa nachádzali ďaleko za hranicami Slovenska, no nie je tomu tak. Groovy zvuk s elektronikou a gitarami, do ktorých s..
2002. brainCHIPS (15th solo album, 74 minutes) is a dreamy electronic album with analogue sequences in the sound of the 80s. The CD encloses spherical soundscapes and also rhythmical groovy tracks, dream chips for y..
1975. The German Electronics artist Robert Schroeder (discovered 1978 by EM pioneer Klaus Schulze) has produced numerous excellent solo CDs as well as his success album Double Fantasy / Universal Ave., which reached..
2004. The German Electronics artist Robert Schroeder (discovered 1978 by EM pioneer Klaus Schulze) has produced numerous excellent solo CDs as well as his success album Double Fantasy / Universal Ave., which reached..
1975. The German Electronics artist Robert Schroeder (discovered 1978 by EM pioneer Klaus Schulze) has produced numerous excellent solo CDs as well as his success album Double Fantasy / Universal Ave., which reached..
2003. nEW fREQUENCIES is a new studio project of Robert Schroeder, that, exactly like his D.MO publications, is a planned release as a series. The German musician occupies, since the 80's, nationally and internation..
1992. How should one describe a music such as CREAM ? CREAM one must simply have heard and experience. The fact that on a CD with the title CREAM, nothing else should have to be expected then the absolute CREAM of..