2015. - al caiola - bonanza,john barry - hit and miss (jukebox jury),james wright & his orchestra - coronation street,max harris - gurney slade theme,david whitfield - william tell,the sons of the pioneer..
2016. - blast off! - jimmie haskell and his orchestra,ghost satellite - bob and jerry,the blob - the five blobs,the purple people eater - sheb wooley,ghost train - the electro-tones,scorpion - jimmy mccon..
2019. Fourth volume in a limited edition series on Stag-O-Lee. Limited to 666 copies and packaged in a nice 10" sleeve with center hole. This is a collection of oddball country weepers, moody rockabilly, wides..
2017. A compilation featuring rolling rockabilly, hot and cool hillbilly-country, wild western swing, sleazy-listening, surf-strip-instro-popcorn-trash, sinuous soul and slinky R&B. SIDE 1: 1. Jimmy Spellman ..
2022. 'dark tales of western noir from a ghost town jukebox' - eighth volume in a limited edition series on stag-o-lee. Limited to 666 copies and packaged in a nice 10" sleeve with center ..