2022. The debut solo-album by Filthydirty of Evil Blizzard contains dubbed up tunes and harsh metal sounds that are instantly memorable. This album pushes the genre's boundaries further into even darker places, but ..
2015. Sounding like Hawkwind on even more acid, or Sunn O))) meets Butthole Surfers/P.I.L., with four bassists and droning powerful songs, these masked marauding architects of cacophonic, bombastic, psychedelic b..
2018. The 2018 full-length by this noteworthy psychedelic doom-kraut band dioesn't only feature four bass guitars, but also piano, cello, samples and synths.
2022. The debut solo-album by Filthydirty of Evil Blizzard contains dubbed up tunes and harsh metal sounds that are instantly memorable. This album pushes the genre's boundaries further into even darker places, but ..