1966. Rightly best known for her time as one the main singers for the Duke Ellington Orchestra in the late 50s and early 60s, Lil Greenwood's polished performances in those times always gave more than a hint of her ..
2016. 'this music got soul 1966-1967' - the birth of rock steady portrayed in a consummate collection from the vaults of federal records. With most of the tracks drawn directly from ken khou..
2019. . . . From the federal records vaults 1964-1965' - federal recording studios nurtured the talents of innumerable jamaican artists in the early sixties. Th..
2016. 'this music got soul 1966-1967' - the birth of rock steady portrayed in a consummate collection from the vaults of federal records. With most of the tracks drawn directly from ken khouri'..
2020. . . . From the federal records records vaults 1964-1965' - federal recording studios nurtured the talents of innumerable jamaican artists in the early sixties. ..