2018. Debut LP from London based The Voo-Dooms, but these guys are hardly new-comers, featuring garage punk veterans Bruce Brand (Pop Rivets, Milkshakes, Headcoats, Masonics, etc), Kev Smith (Thee Vicars, Baron Four..
2020. Limited to 300 copies, here's a mini-LP of voodoo trashin', bone shakin' garage-punk from the English kinda super band featuring ex-members of a.o. The Pop Rivets, The Milkshakes, The Headcoats, The Masonics, ..
2023. The Voo-Dooms purvey a trashy, sci-fi voodoo caveman garage punk sound, perfect to get any bone-a-shakin'-and-a-twistin', sending zombies into a frenzy throughout any mortuary in the land! Somewhat a supergrou..