2014. CD-edition packeged in a jewel case. The Cavalera brothers, Max and Igor, release their 2014 work 'Pandemonium'. Frontman Max Cavalera rushes with bellow of rage into the fray, lets his brother drum the coarse..
2017. Max a Igor Cavalerovi vydávají své čtvrté plnohodnotné album "Psychosis". Deska vznikala za spolupráce s producentem Arthurem Rizkem. Pánové dali společně dohromady devět songů. "Spousta lidí v nich uslyší vil..
2022. The inspiration for the ScorpKlub project was to create unique works, using the remarkable collection of Toulon Art Museum's as a palette, through a multidisciplinary exchange of sound and moving image. Hifikl..
2022. The inspiration for the ScorpKlub project was to create unique works, using the remarkable collection of Toulon Art Museum's as a palette, through a multidisciplinary exchange of sound and moving image. Hifikl..