2023. Originally issued on Thirteen Records from Sao Paulo in 1997, 'Back To Basics' is the second album by Rio De Janeiro punk legends Carbona. Widely considered the peak of the whole Ramones-core 'made in Brasil'-..
2017. 40th Anniversary edition V lednu 1977 vydali The Ramones druhou desku. Oproti debutu je původní třicetiminutová nahrávka produkčně propracovanější, tempo písniček je vyšší. Některé jsou více popově orientov..
2018. - glad to see you go,gimme gimme shock treatment,i remember you,oh oh i love her so,carbona not glue,suzy is a headbanger,pinhead,now i wanna be a good boy,swallow my pride,what's your game,californ..
1979. - blitzkrieg bop,beat on the brat,judy is a punk,i wanna be your boyfriend,53rd & 3rd,now i wanna sniff some glue,glad to see you go,gimme gimme shock treatment,i remember you,california sun,command..