2015. The horror n' gore connoisseurs of BONE GNAWER return to apex form with their much-anticipated sophomore full-length record, 'Cannibal Crematorium'! Led by death metal legend Kam Lee (ex-Massacre, ex-Mantas, e..
2009. Gore-and-Horror Death Metal have always had its fair share in the entire Extreme Metal genre but only a handful have made an impact in the 90?s or even considered as timeless classics. Forward to year 2009, co..
2015. The horror n' gore connoisseurs of BONE GNAWER return to apex form with their much-anticipated sophomore full-length record, 'Cannibal Crematorium'! Led by death metal legend Kam Lee (ex-Massacre, ex-Mantas..
2021. Formed around 2016, House By The Cemetary is a supergroup that comprises of Swedish guitarist Rogga Johansson (ex-Bone Gnawer, ex-Demiurg, Paganizer, etc), Mike Hrubovcak (Monstrosity, ex-Rumpelstiltskin Grind..