2015. 'Success' is a funny concept. On its rawest, most pure form, it is entirely relative, and this was the subject KEN mode chose to approach their new album with. Both sonically and lyrically, a shift has been ma..
2002. V roce 2007 vydaná kompilace 2CD, která posluchači nabízí celkem 36 originálních zpívaných řeckých folkových písní a tradicionálů s dalšími národními melodiemi. - CD1::,PAGONA ATHANASSIOU - My Dear Disaster, ..
2023. Repress! Long awaited follow up to the "True Story of Abner Jay" LP. Abner Jay was a man who had a grand sweeping vision of what folk music was. In his lifetime his expression of what folk music cou..
2024. "Whoever has been following the musical movements happening within our culture, must have noticed this young singer hailing from the North of Brazil. An absolute master of Baiao, Côco, Batuque and o..
1996. Cope is also a noted music writer, having written two highly regarded works on "Krautrock" and "Japrock" (post war to punk war Japan). The Head Heritage website is where he describes his id..