2012. Cover of CD version. Already known to the public for their pop-wave sound of rich and international texture, Confield officially form on 17th March 2009 in Rome from the union of guitarists Luca Mamone and Pao..
1987. There was something strange and disturbing going on in Italy in the '70s. It was a tumultuous and visionary period of (post) psychedelic excess. One that was defined, on the one hand, by random acts of terrori..
2015. Limited cover with roses. Already known to the public for their pop-wave sound of rich and international texture, Confield officially form on 17th March 2009 in Rome from the union of guitarists Luca Mamone an..
1987. There was something strange and disturbing going on in Italy in the '70s. It was a tumultuous and visionary period of (post) psychedelic excess. One that was defined, on the one hand, by random acts of terrori..
2014. PAVIC are: Joe Calabro - vocals Marko Pavic - guitars Aleks Ferrara - bass Lorenzo Antonelli - keyboards Antonio Aronne - drums All songs arranged by J. Calabro, M. Pavic, L. Antonelli, A. Ferrara, A. A..