2017. Issued in 2016, this is another cool psychedelic stoner-rock release from the Austrian StoneFree label/collective. And this one even reveals traces of prog.
2018. Recorded in 2012, 'Musik Der 135. Aktion, Kuba' captures the controversial performance from Herman Nitsch's Orgien Mysterien Theater as part of the Havana Biennial art exhibition. For more than fifty years Nit..
2010. The UAJO’s new program is...a comparison of the song material of Vienna and Upper Austria. Starting with Friedrich Gulda’s “Golowin” songs which had their premier during the Gmundner Festwochen (festival week..
2010. „song - song“ or „7 muses and 4 vices“ the „upper austrian jazz orchestra“ with ali gaggl and tini kainrath - voices after the thomas bernhard program, the uajo is working on a new pr..