2011. ...Psyche Of...'. Limited to 400 copies on black vinyl + insert. Heavy and dark English psych from the mental asylums of Norfolk. Brought up on the Syd era Floyd, Ozzy era Sabbabth, Spids Nogenhat, Pandemonica..
2011. Heavy and dark English psych from the mental asylums of Norfolk. Brought up on the Syd era Floyd, Ozzy era Sabbabth, Spids Nogenhat, Pandemonica, Aron, Ontrial, Baby Woodrose and early Monster Magnet The Locke..
2014. After the highly praised masterpiece 'Gaslights', AGHAST MANOR return with the second album 'Penetrate'! Aghast Manor as a whole is a creation of musician, novelist, actress Andréa Nebel and on this alb..